Thursday, August 16, 2012

Super Star Behavior

After some trials and tribulations, I finally re-did my behavior chart. The one I had up last year was bleached out and awful. I FINALLY threw it away and saw this lovely pinterest inspiration from Cara Carroll at

I love this clip chart because you can start in a neutral place and choose to go up or down. The only problem is that the colors on this chart are completely opposite of the color system that we use in K-2 at my school. After some clever editing with paint, I adjusted the colors to match everyone else's color system. Here's how it turned out!

The top one printed out a little dark but I am so beyond worrying about it. Overall I'm really happy that the kids will see that that still start on green but can move up. They can also see that the warnings and consequences are the same colors as first grade.


  1. I would love to know how you changed the colors to fit your color scheme. We use different colors as well and I cant seem to figure out how to edit it.

  2. I would love for you to share your pdf. I'm doing a Star theme this year and your clip chart would be fantastic! Thanks :)

  3. Could you send me a copy please--I would especially love it if it was editable. Thanks!

  4. could you send me a copy please? It's super cute!

  5. oops, forgot my email

  6. Can you send me a copy? That'd be amazing!! THANKS!
